
French Learner - French Word of the Day Lessons

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Avoir le vent en poupe - to have the wind in your sails Avoir le vent en poupe is a French idiom that translates directly to “to have the wind in the stern” and means... [Keep reading] Read post! Audio poetry reading by French Today (you'll love it!) This is an audio reading of Le Corbeau et le renard (the raven and the fox) by Jean de la Fontain! Camille of French Today reads it at multiple speeds and I'm sure you'll absolutely love it! [Keep reading] Read post! Readers of FrenchLearner save...

4 Ways To Use The French Word “Gourmand” Today we’re looking at the word gourmand, which describes... [Keep reading] Read post! Struggling with pronunciation?Try my friend, Camille's course Secrets of French Pronunciation! Try course risk free! French Table Manners: 10 Tips To Not Embarrass Yourself If you happen to find yourself sitting at the table with a French family, you’ll quickly realize... [Keep reading] Read post! Readers of FrenchLearner save 73% on the lifetime membership to...

5 sentences using ni…ni (neither…nor) in French Ni…ni is a French negation form that translates to neither…nor. Today’s lesson provides... [Keep reading] Read post! 14 French negation rules you must know This lesson covers a list of 14 negation rules you must know to speak French. [Keep reading] Read post! Free course! Try French Today's 2.5 hour audiobook for FREE! Essential beginner word: arrondissement! If you ever travel to Paris you will definitely hear the word arrondissement. [keep...

French word of the day:Poser - To put, place, ask (a question) Today we’ll focus on the French verb poser. While the underlying meaning of poser is “to put” or “to place”, this verb is commonly used in the context of “to ask a question” – poser une question. [Keep reading] Click here to read full post! Learn how to ask questions in French Following our lesson covering the verb poser, we thought it would be useful to include our lesson covering how to ask questions in French. This post covers...

French word of the day:Puisque - Since In today’s lesson we’ll have a look at the word puisque, which translates to since, because, as, and seeing as. For example, “Puisque vous ne venez pas, je rentre chez moi” (I’m going home since you’re not coming). [Keep reading] Click here to read full post! Août (August) Pronunciation In French - DEMYSTIFIED Have you always wondered just how to pronounce the word août (August) in French but were too afraid to ask? In this lesson, native speaker and...

French idiom of the week:Pisser dans un violon - To piss in the wind French is full of lots of fun and colorful expressions. Today we’ll look at one of my all time favorites: Pisser dans un violon (literal translation: “to piss in a violin”). Meanings of this expression mean “to waste your breath” and “to talk to a wall”. An English equivalent to this expression is “to piss in the wind”. [Keep reading] Click here to read full post! Audio reading of the French poem "Voyelles" by Artur Rimbaud...

French word of the day:Sûr (adj.) - Sure, certain, safe In today's lesson we'll have a look at the adjective sûr, meaning sure, certain and safe. This word can cause some confusion because it changes to the preposition sur (on, on top of) when the -u is written without the circumflex accent. [Keep reading] Click here to read full post! 10 Popular French Dishes You’re Probably Pronouncing Wrong France arguably has the most delicious cuisine in the world. Whether you’re sitting in a chic French...

French word of the day:Avoir du mal à - To have difficulty doing Today we’ll focus on a simple yet extremely useful French expression: “avoir du mal à”, which means to have difficulty/trouble or to find it hard to do something. [Keep reading] Click here to read full post! How To Say Nice To Meet You In French (8 Expressions) In French, there are several ways to say “nice to meet you”. The most common word is “enchanté”. However, there are more expressions. This post will explore eight ways to...

French word of the day:Joindre - thing (slang) Today's lesson will focus specifically on the verb joindre (Meaning: to join). This verb can cause a lot of confusion as the reflexive form "je me joins à" is required in the context of joining another person or a group. Keep reading and we'll explain everything. [Keep reading] Click here to read full post! French Pronoun On Explained – Everything you need to know The French subject pronoun on has translates literally to ‘one’ but has many...