The French Idiom of the Week is...

French idiom of the week:
Pisser dans un violon - To piss in the wind

French is full of lots of fun and colorful expressions. Today we’ll look at one of my all time favorites: Pisser dans un violon (literal translation: “to piss in a violin”). Meanings of this expression mean “to waste your breath” and “to talk to a wall”. An English equivalent to this expression is “to piss in the wind”. [Keep reading]

Audio reading of the French poem "Voyelles" by Artur Rimbaud

One of the most fun way to learn French is by reading poetry. In this lesson native speaker and Parisian, Camille from French Today, will read through the the poem Voyelles by Arthur Rimbaud. She reads through it twice, once slowly and once faster with some creativity. Give the lesson a try! I'm sure you'll learn some new words and enjoy it!

C'est la vie in French: Meaning & Pronunciation

C’est la vie (Meaning: “that’s life”) is a phrase that’s made its way into popular songs, movies, and cultures around the world. Despite the fact that it comes from the French language, English speakers also use c’est la vie. Keep reading to find out the French really use c’est la vie as well as a list of top songs using this popular French expression.

Our 10 most recent lessons

We've been sending out emails for a few months now. In case you just joined or have missed some days, here are ten most recent Word of the Day lessons!

  1. Avoir du mal à meaning – To have difficulty doing in French
  2. Joindre Meaning & Conjugation – To Join in French
  3. Truc Meaning & Translation: Slang Word for “Thing” in French
  4. Coeur Meaning & Translation – Heart in French
  5. Déjà Meaning & Translation – Already in French
  6. Tant Pis Meaning & Translation – Too bad, oh well in French
  7. Chemin Meaning & Translation – Path, Way, Road in French
  8. Tout le monde meaning & translation – Everybody in French
  9. Profiter Meaning & Translation – To Enjoy in French
  10. Heure Meaning & Translation- Hour in French

À Moi Paris Review – What Makes This Course Amazing?

After having reviewed several products for learning French, we conclude that the À Moi Paris course by French Today is by far the most thorough and comprehensive audio French course on the market today. Unlike other leading products such as Rosetta Stone or Duolingo, À Moi Paris is an excellent course for learning French and offers the complete package.

More content to improve your French

Our website features various sections where you can learn more about the French language.

French Word of The Day Archive

This area of our website contains our entire archive of "Word of the Day" blog posts. If you've missed a few of our daily emails, you'll be sure to find the posts you missed here!

French Lessons

This section covers several aspects of French vocabulary. You'll also find a ton of posts covering all the essential verbs you need to know.

French Songs

Our site is No. 1 on in the Internet today for providing in-depth line-by-line lyrics analysis for famous French songs. We cover songs from the from the 1940s through today!

French Culture

This section of our blog deals with lots of aspects about French life and culture. We cover lots of top-10 lists dealing with French people, cuisine, history, etc.

French Articles

This section of our site has lots of articles about different ways to say things in French. The section also provides articles covering aspects about life in France and French culture.

French Learner - French Word of the Day Lessons

Join 9,500+ other French Learners! We provide the best and most reliable French word of the day lesson in the world! Our lessons have awesome audio and they are super helpful!

Read more from French Learner - French Word of the Day Lessons

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